Pixels & Art Designs

Thursday, 29 January 2015

It's getting closer

Not long now everyone and I'll be revealing all...this is getting so exciting !!!!

Monday, 26 January 2015

Oh boy do I have a surprise for you all

Back in May 2014 I closed down this blog as I'd opened my new website...A couple of months later I started to question my lack of ability as a designer and whether I have the enthusiasm to continue. In July I decided to give it until Christmas 2014 before I made a decision, took 6 months off. I closed down my website and now I can tell you all that NutkinTailz Designs will still be going and I'm looking foward to a new venture that is going to be starting in 2015.

I AM BACK and raring to go...back soon with the surprise for you all :D


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